Sunday, June 22, 2008

a new leaf- a baby step

I laugh at people who use the word blog. I never have had one, never thought I would have one. I used to read a popular blog religiously, but would never admit it. (It was about the field I was interested in!) Then, one tear-filled, empty house night, I started googling. I found blog after blog after blog, written by girlfriends and wives of men in the aviation industry. After absolutely losing track of time, I had read pages and pages of these women's experiences, all of which I felt a connection to in some way. But not in all ways...

Maybe there is something WRONG with me. They seem to have it figured out, or at least can write their way out of a breakdown while leaving little to feed my image of what I secretly had hoped would be a frazzled, stressed, panicked, suspicious, woman who is in love with a man who's job happens to take him thousands of miles away for stretches of time.
Maybe that's just my own pathetic image.

Because I am all those things...

I am, first and foremost, in love. The earth-is-spinning-faster, stars-are-shining-brighter, chirpy birds and butterflies in the stomach kind of love. CEL is my knight in shinning armor, my everything. I don't know where I would be or what I would do without him in my life. I genuinely feel like the luckiest girl in the world. He's a wonderful, caring, loving, funny, passionate, amazing man.

He is also an airline pilot.

Which has, in it's own way, not so indirectly led me to typing these very words in a little box surrounded by buttons whose functions I'm totally unsure of. (This must be similar to how my grandmother felt when I tried to teach her to use her new cell phone, or her ipod... I suddenly feel guilty for my frustrations. Technology...)

I am a pilot's girlfriend. And after a year and three months, I'm still trying to cope with that.


Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog! Welcome to the world of bloggers anonymous! LOL

Anonymous said...

Good day Ladies, I'm new on the blog and "I'm a girlfriend of pilot"..sounds like AA..haha! I've been dating a pilot for 2years now, and we are 5 000miles apart. So I want to share something with all of you..
We get fustrated, we feel lonely and forgotten, we hide our fears behind silence yet we still love them..why? Because they are so little scientist they are:) But with this address, I remember why I love him and stick with him on or off duty, why I fell inlove with him the first time, and why I compromise myself when I don't understand him..Hope it gives a little sparkle to all the Pilot Ladies out there

Kristina said...

Hi - I am new to the blog world and my pilot will be entering the workforce here soon. I am wondering how long it took you to adjust to his schedule, him being gone...I worry that like you I may find myself getting snappy and resent him for being gone/not having time for me.